Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Worn Thin

Ugh... it seems no matter how often I leave town and take a break, I still feel like I'm worn thin. Then there's zach and that whole thing right there is enough to make me scratch my head and sigh aloud. Just the same though, I do love him, and he helps me escape a bit. Is this what it is like being a senior? God I hope not, I dont know if I can handel two more months of this. So today is Yings birthday, happy birthday ying, I miss you. I think she knows that though. So theres this book banning thing at the library. A grafic novel (like a comic book) has caused some up roar. I'll be honest though, it is a bit racy for a book, I mean not only was it written but it was pictures. hmmm.

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