Monday, July 31, 2006


My goodness. Is it really already August. Well no, but tomorrow is. I swear it feels like I just got home. Anywho... Still in the 170 range and have been running alot and trying to get the weight back down. Moms birthday is tomorrow and so a bunch of us are going to a baseball game, that'll be fun. I've been working like crazy latelt, working two jobs now. In Natalie's words I'm working at The Hill (Perchhill), and I've been babysitting alot lately. The kids are so cute. I've gotten two of my five college applications in (yea me!) and am working on getting the rest of them in so I don't know. I've been writing like crazy (ok I've just been writing) alot lately. Natalie gave me some sad news days ago, and I felt bad for her (even though it wasnt specificly her), it's just sad though. Well Im gonna go. cioa

Saturday, July 15, 2006


Okay everyone Ive been working out like crazy (kind of) and my weight got up to 175 (ick) but Ive now got it back down to 170. So thats good. Going to chicago next week and looking forward to that. So yea I dont know, things seem to be getting better lately, on the whole post mexico front. Ive called fernanda in brazil and ying in thailand so thats good. Im now working two jobs which is good I guss it brings in the cash so thats good. Going to the lyceum tonight that should be fun. So yea thats all I got see ya

Sunday, July 02, 2006


Okay I decided at the beginning of June that July would be my month to get fit. So I've started towards that. I still eat what I want (mostly) I just don't eat alot of it. I've dropped the soda and am drinking water and tea. I did college papers all day so I didn't get so much exercise in, but I did just walk a little over 2 miles, Im guessing two and a half maybe. I'll let you know next time I blog. Right now though I currently weight 170. So let's see what I can get down to by the end of July. I think 160 would be great. Thats how much I was when I came home from Mexico and I think alot of it is just soda and water wieght so it shouldnt be too hard to get it off if I just stop eating fast food all together... or alot less of it. So here goes nothing...