Monday, July 31, 2006


My goodness. Is it really already August. Well no, but tomorrow is. I swear it feels like I just got home. Anywho... Still in the 170 range and have been running alot and trying to get the weight back down. Moms birthday is tomorrow and so a bunch of us are going to a baseball game, that'll be fun. I've been working like crazy latelt, working two jobs now. In Natalie's words I'm working at The Hill (Perchhill), and I've been babysitting alot lately. The kids are so cute. I've gotten two of my five college applications in (yea me!) and am working on getting the rest of them in so I don't know. I've been writing like crazy (ok I've just been writing) alot lately. Natalie gave me some sad news days ago, and I felt bad for her (even though it wasnt specificly her), it's just sad though. Well Im gonna go. cioa

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