Sunday, July 02, 2006


Okay I decided at the beginning of June that July would be my month to get fit. So I've started towards that. I still eat what I want (mostly) I just don't eat alot of it. I've dropped the soda and am drinking water and tea. I did college papers all day so I didn't get so much exercise in, but I did just walk a little over 2 miles, Im guessing two and a half maybe. I'll let you know next time I blog. Right now though I currently weight 170. So let's see what I can get down to by the end of July. I think 160 would be great. Thats how much I was when I came home from Mexico and I think alot of it is just soda and water wieght so it shouldnt be too hard to get it off if I just stop eating fast food all together... or alot less of it. So here goes nothing...

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