Saturday, April 29, 2006
Okay so the partying hasn't began yet. But it starts on Thursday and boy am I looking forward to it... even though I hope the time would just stop so my fun would last forever. Did the garage sale thing today, I made a while 15 pesos, ten for a shirt and 5 cause I let this guy look at my belly button... yes I have two. Right now Im listening to "Two Piña Coladas" by Garth Brooks and thats getting me in a good man. Even though I can't stand Piña Coladas too much. I like the ones without alcahol. Going to the disco tonight and looking forward to that.
Friday, April 28, 2006
Homeward bound
I love mexico, as I am sure you can already tell and just the thought of going home right now makes me want to cry. How can I leave this place? I think about it and my heart breaks, it feels like I have sooo much time left, and then I look forward and realize I don't. Allan is leaving on Tuesday and I was looking at him last night and it litterally felt like I just met him yesterday. It also feels like just last week I was calling mom and confessing that I didnt know if I could last 250 more days. Now here I am with thirteen days left and I'm grabbing every moment.
Thursday, April 27, 2006

Kim is a different one. She's from Wisconson, and makes it seems like it's some whole other country. She is kind of like me when I was 12 I guess. I mean she doesnt really know how to do her hair, or how to dress nice. I bitch at her about everything (including her) and while Fernanda and Ying are my best friends, there are soemthings I can talk to Kim about that Fernanda might not understand (as far as American issues i mean). She says she wants to be a nun and whether or not I really believe that is byond me. I mean I think she's far to curropted to ever be a nun honestly but then theres other moments when I'm not soooo sure. Just the same though she listens to me, and tells me wht she thinks, most of the time. There are times when I feel like she can't even hear me and the feeling sucks. Who am I kidding though? I'm sure I make alot of people feel like that. How did I become this person?
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
When I came to you, you opened your arms to me, giving me a place to sleep. Then as time slowly passed it felt as though you were pushing me away, like you wanted me to go back where I came from. I didn't listen, but then there were times when I was tired of you telling me to leave. Well eventually we warmed up to each other and seem to get along quite well. Then we finally became best friends, you whispered into my ear "it's time for you to go". I sit here, understanding every word you've been saying to me this whole time. You held my hand when I needed you to, you partied with me when I had no one else, but when I got a little out of control you helped put me back in my place. When I walk the streets I feel you hug me, when I'm with my friends youre with me too. You never questioned or judged of who I am, maybe just a bit at first. I realize when I say goodbye, you know I'll be coming back, and you will wait for me, as you can not come and visit me. You are a true friend... you are Mexico
Tuesday, April 25, 2006

We sat there together sipping our thai chi teas and eating our Krispy Kreme doughnuts. We reflected over the past year and what our feelings on going home are. We had gone to Cuernavaca for the day, just to do some shopping and it was needless to say that we both had a good time, it was good just to get out of Taxco for the day. It accoured to me as I was sipping my cook drink that this might be the last time in awhile that her and I would have an adventure together.
We both became close friends right before everyone left on the Ruta Mya trip. With Ying gone and both of us not going it only made sense that we would hang out. It didn't take long for me to figure out that despite first impressions, she was nothing of the shy girl I had taken her to be last October. We laugh together about random things, she goes to the discos with me. It's funny, it seems time to time she says to me "Oh Lee!" and it can be taken in two ways, one way would be after a story from the night before, or the other might be in a sense that she's sad and can't think of anything else to say. She also has a way of sayinf "Oh Lee shut up!" which as well means one of two things 1) You need to shut up or 2) I already knew that but don't want to be reminded of it. She's fun, she amazing, she's a great friend, I have no idea what I'm going to do when I go home and can't talk to or see her everyday. You see back in the states I never had a friend that I hung out with everyday or would talk to everyday. And I honestly can't express how much I will miss that. Te amo Fer.
Monday, April 24, 2006

I'm going to take some time in the next few days and right about some of my friends that I have here in Mexico. Tonight it's Ying.
She was my first best friend in Mexico, I met her at CEPE, we were both in the same class, and I loved her name. Ying. When the Mexicans would say her name they would pronounce the Y as a J so I started calling her Jing. She was the calmer side of me, the sensible voice inside my head, and even today she still kind of is. I remember one time I was talking to her about my fears and worries of the world, while she was cooking eggs and she just looked at me and said "When the time is right you will know" and all I said was "What was that? You damn fortune cookie" and then another time I was sick, and convinced I was dying and she said she could fix me because she was a doctor. Then she left for a month and I became friends with Fernanda. Well Ying and I will be hanging out sometimes and it's not like it use to be but it's still pretty good. Then she will say something or refer to herself as Dr. Cookie and I just wonder how I will ever live with out her around. She's so funny. She's calm when she's angry, she dosent let you know that you upset her, there are so many things in her that I wish I could be myself. When ever we get off line I always say "Love Ying" which is my way of saying I love you she use to say "I know" or just "you too." I will miss her when I go. Guess all I can say is Love Ying
Final steps
I got my credits today, and along with getting them came a sense of acomplishment... not really. I kinda went to class the first part of the year and now it's over. No more school, well I will probably go again but we shall see how all of that goes.
For the first time in my life I was given a chance to really do something that would make me decide what I actually thought about things. To not be influnced by the opinions of others. I was forced for the first time to look at myself and wonder what I honestly thought of the person looking back at me in the mirror. There was one time when I looked in the mirror and had no idea who was looking back at me. Just the same though alots happened sense that time. I still am unsure of what I think about a lot of things, but I'm sure a lot of us are feeling that way these days. When I came here I was unsure of what this year would be as I had only viewed the exchange expierence by watching someone else live with the title. It has been nothing short of what I expected. Even though I think when I came here I didn't know what to expect. Does that make any sense? My friends are always telling me that I still have three weeks to find my love story for this year, well to be honest I think I got it long ago. There was a love story with Oscar, with Erick, with Alfredo, with Seth. There was so many kinds of love stories there but if you look at it from afar you realize it's just one big love story.
For the first time in my life I was given a chance to really do something that would make me decide what I actually thought about things. To not be influnced by the opinions of others. I was forced for the first time to look at myself and wonder what I honestly thought of the person looking back at me in the mirror. There was one time when I looked in the mirror and had no idea who was looking back at me. Just the same though alots happened sense that time. I still am unsure of what I think about a lot of things, but I'm sure a lot of us are feeling that way these days. When I came here I was unsure of what this year would be as I had only viewed the exchange expierence by watching someone else live with the title. It has been nothing short of what I expected. Even though I think when I came here I didn't know what to expect. Does that make any sense? My friends are always telling me that I still have three weeks to find my love story for this year, well to be honest I think I got it long ago. There was a love story with Oscar, with Erick, with Alfredo, with Seth. There was so many kinds of love stories there but if you look at it from afar you realize it's just one big love story.
Sunday, April 23, 2006
The calm before the storm
All was silent and it was just a matter of moments before the clouds would break and the rain would fall... well still waiting for the rain. I have a high feeling however that it may get ugly. The wind has been blowing and Kims waiting for the rain and I just tell her "eh its just god throwing his weight around." And then theres a sound that sounds like thunder but it's fire works. I have yet to figure out the fire works thing... something to do with the churches or something. I think I'm going to Cuernavaca with Fernanda on Tuesday we are both in dier need of new clothes. I should probably go home pretty quick, try and beat out the storm. Nothing better than waiting for a convi in the rain. Well I shall go, wish me luch
It's too early (casi 12:00)
Today shall be one of those days where everything seems to come off as unbelievably funny. I guess that's what I get for going to bed so late and got up so..."early". Conversations are somewhat intertaining between me, the gringa, and poland... not too sure why this guy is just kind of humerous. Listening to some Nora Jones. Not too sure why, but I like her stuff. I suppose it's cause mom plays it in her office ( and so when I hear it I kind of just think of her, so I guess thats nice. I downloaded some Bob Segar music the other day, seems my friend didn't like it too much, says its sounds like "crap", I told her she was crazy. I guess we just grew up differently. I can't imagine growing up any other way than I did though. So that's just me. Well I think we are going to order some pizza for a little morning after food (not to sure morning after what...)
moments after
The music played as I looked over at the waitor. I knew him from long before so it seems, he just looked at me and we both smiled. Just the same though, it wasn't closure. I danced with the same guys, and maybe a few more. Would this be the last time I would come here? I guess only time will tell. Someone came to me from afar, as I had been eyeing him all night. He wasn't my normal "conquest" if you will. Just the same though I left a little confused. What do you do when you feel like your whole year has been a big blur? When you feel like you've gotten everything you came here for. No one can believe I am leaving so soon... nor can I. Where did this year honestly go? I have no idea, I can't imagine having to get on that plan destined for Atlanta Georgia in 19 days. Buenos Noches y ducles sueños
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Killing time
Yea I really need to find something better to do with my time. Yea Yea Yea I know, I'm in Mexico I should go expierence. Yea well theres not too much too expierence right now... nothing I haven't already seen or done. Well in a bit I'm going into Taxco, then going to the disco (which should be fun), hope it goes better than last Thursday. Just incase you're wondering, the results of Thursday night were felt on Saturday morning. Might go shopping tomorrow, with Javi, Alto, and Fer, but I wont find out till nine or so. Well I'm going into Taxco now, wish me luck.

Ok I don't know what to say really... Guess I might as well give some kind of intro as to who I am... or someting like that. Okay so I'm 17 and slowly ending the year that has been nothing short of amazing. I have been spending the last eight months in Mexico, studying for my junior year. I only have three weeks left and needless to say am dreading the idea of leaving my life here. People ask me what my hobbies are... and well I don't know what to say. I guess back home my hobbies are writing mostly. It's my talent, I wont deni that. But is it what I honestly want to do for the rest of my life? Not too sure. I'm thinking about film... it's always interested me. So I'm 5'5 (which in Mexico is considered tall), green eyes, brown hair... not like any of that really matters. I guess I'm at a point right now where I'm not too sure about most things in my life, and that can be a bit scary. A friend told me that when I go home I need to make sure not to let myself go... what if I don't know who I am when I go home? How can I loose it? I'm confident (borderline cocky), arrogant (just a bit), concieded, head strong, stubborn as hell, a good friend, a person who likes to have fun, loving, caring, strong, I know I am these things... but does that really define who I am or are they just character traits?
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